40 thoughts on “Wheel of Fortune!”

      1. This is a good question… There are so many books out there on the subject of writing and editing. I personally have used the essential Struck and White, “Elements of Style” which, arguably is the only book you need. But I have found “Fiction Writer’s Workshop by Josip Novakovich very helpful for exercises and workshopping; “Self-Editing for Fiction Writers by Renni Browne and Dave King is another useful resource. And for the process of getting published, I have used “The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published” by Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry. (Arielle is an agent and runs workshops across the U.S.).

        Sorry for the long response. I think many people will have their own opinions on the subject.

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  1. You deserve all the love coming your way! I am happy so many people take the time to stop by and express their gratitude for your unsparing generosity. I have created a file where I store all of your lists. It is called “Amir a.k.a My Vocabulary Genie”. If my writing improves some of the credit will most definitely go your way ;).

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