What does your dreamy writing place look like?

As a fan of scary books and an enthusiast horror writer, I like my dreamy writing place to be this way:


I like writing in a small room with a window which opens to a dark, foggy forest with broken trees and dark green tussocks. I want the room to be on the second floor of an old, wooden hug. I prefer the window to be open when I’m writing or reading under the gray, dim light. Also like the cold wind gusts through the window, papers and my hairs. The bookshelf must be in front of my bed, beside the writing desk.
And finally the most important part, an IR (interested reader). What’s an IR person? It can be anyone, your best friend, a member of your family or your husband/wife. A person who reads your manuscripts and criticizes your writing. A person whose critics come from deep in his/her heart and they are important and constructive for you. This loved person for me is my future lovely wife who stands beside me through days and nights, honest and true. But is there any girl who be brave enough to live in such horrible place with a mad writer like me?!!

I’m not sure:)

NOW WHAT’S YOUR DREAMY WIRING PLACE? Can’t wait to read about yours!


126 thoughts on “What does your dreamy writing place look like?”

  1. You are definitely on your own when it comes to your dreamy writing place, I would be scared out of my mind! LOL! However, it is extremely easy to scare me. My favorite writing place depends on what I’m writing, a back porch for journaling and a desk for novel writing. Enjoyed your post!

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  2. Hmmm, my dreamy writing place would be a comfy bedroom with a small window facing a mountain view. I like it when it rains so probably I’ll sit in front of the window more often in rainy days and write, write and write. I like your blog and your writing, by the way. Thank you for following 😉

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  3. My ideal writing place is much like yours, although the details differ. The room itself would be a slightly smaller version of the apartment/office of Hercule Poirot as depicted in the long-running television series; that inter-bellum Art Deco stuff really makes for happiness on the material goods front. The window should look out onto mists and fogs, too, but the scene revealed should shift; a thick forest, an ocean upon which a small ship-rigged vessel made helpless by lack of wind is slowly driven by the tide toward a jagged shore, a broad plain with what may be a single human shape in the middle distance, a rocky Precambrian shield lakeside with glass-smooth water beyond…. and not dark, either, but a mid-morning light that simply doesn’t have the power to burn away the obscuring cloud.

    Alas, in reality it’s an office cubicle with modern traffic just outside the window (intermittently obscured by snow in winter but almost never a romantic mist), or some more or less toy-infested room of a small and profoundly mundane Canadian bungalow.

    I am lucky in having a wife upon whom I can press second drafts, who would read that sort of stuff even without an in-house producer of it. There are few gems of value so great as a willing but honest reader.

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  4. I have but one simple request, which is rare indeed — absolute silence. 😉 In a family of five, it is a treat.

    My ideal IR would be an anonymous killer editor who wouldn’t be afraid to shred my writing apart, then slowly build me back up.

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  5. My dream writing place… a small cottage seperate from my home, with overstuffed, comfortable sofa and wing chair. Large windows, French doors leading out to a garden with a mountain view. Stereo playing soft jazz. Desk with printer. Small kitchen with refrig for water and boxes of coffee and tea (English Breakfast tea and strong, bold coffee). No phone, no tv. No chance for a proofreading/grammar checking/edit suggesting spouse.

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      1. It’s not that I wouldn’t love a spouse. I would love a companion who could double as an editor… LOL… but in my situation very unlikely. I wish you the best of luck finding someone. Life is more enjoyable when shared.

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  6. Mine would be a cottage on the beach with waves for music. I’d love to write on a typewriter, just to see the novel actually being built overtime. My IR, well I don’t really have one yet, but I bet it’ll be easy to find someone willing to move to the beach 😉

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  7. Hmm…an interesting question. I think my dream writing place is to live in a house where I not only have a nice writing office, but that my backyard also has nice stepping stones and a nice waterfall. I think it would be great to be able to just go in my backyard and write.

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  8. I can’t work at home… I’d get too distracted by yapping dogs and my husband calling me to go on a Netflix-binge with him. My ideal writing spot would be a library with comfy chairs, big windows, and a coffee bar. *sigh*

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  9. I don’t really have a dreamy writing place. I write anywhere and everywhere. I was writing on the platform the other day while waiting for the Tube. Am not sure about that picture, I couldn’t live or write there. But more than capable of speeding by it while pretending NOT to look at it. Hah!

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  10. Ooh, I like the sound of all these places! Hmm, my dream writing place? Teeny cottage in the mountains of North Wales. Rain beating on the windows. Logs crackling in the fire. Plenty of snuggly blankets. Oh, hang on. Think I’m describing my dream house which doesn’t sound very conducive for productivity. In that case, I’ll take a converted pink caravan at the bottom of the garden. My actual writing place in the kitchen table 😦

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  11. I can write almost anywhere as long as I have quiet. It rarely happens in a house with 3 boys, but I manage to lock myself away in my office every now and then. I don’t mind the seclusion of a dense forest, as a matter of fact my home is surrounded by trees, but that house looks a tad scary to me! I probably wouldn’t get much writing done because I’d be too busy looking over my shoulder!!!

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  12. My dream writing place – man, anywhere that my writing has paid for me to be lol. Ideally it would be a little house with a room dedicated to writing and thinking – all my books would be in there, with the writing desk, comfortable chair, and a futon or couch for lying down and thinking. There might be a window, but it’s not over the desk – if I have a window near me i get distracted. And it would be near a park or nature preserve so I could go for walks when I get stuck on something.

    My dream IR gives me real, honest feedback on my writing and knows how to communicate without sparing my feelings.

    What a great prompt! Thanks for asking! 😀

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  13. There’s a great house for you in Maine–derelict, creepy, falling down, alongside the highway with plenty of passersby. I pass it on my way to my writing spot: a cute cottage on the water with a private beach, forest, and long views from every window.

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  14. My dream writing place would be a library with shelves for walls except for the wall with a large window that had a bench seat to sit in as I looked out to a scenery that included any body of water such as a stream, lake or ocean. There would also be a fireplace in the middle of the room to keep warm on the colder days and nights. I would also like a partners desk, so if I ever meet anyone I wish to marry they have a spot in my special room.

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  15. I write in a room out back of the house – It was specially built. I have my Rock albums, Blues, Jazz, Folk in vinyl and CD. I have shelves of books, a radio, stereo and notebooks. I write on two computers and have heaps of old manuscripts I did on type-writer.
    It’s ideal!

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  16. I would like a well lit room with a lot of sunlight from big windows with a wonderful you. It is important that there is beautiful artwork on the wall that I have chosen. It doesn’t have to be expensive work just art that makes me think and inspires me. I need a comfortable desk chair and a desk with a lot of storage and space I can spread my stuff out on. I need a comfy couch where I can sit and plan and type up stuff on my laptop.

    Don’t worry you will find a wife one day who will be quite happy to live with you while you write. She will go to work and you can stay home and write and see each other when she is done work.

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  17. your place is definitely not someplace I’d want to write! Explore, yes..write, no! I have a spot. It is a little house in my backyard and is perfect for writing. It has windows, but they don’t distract, and it has a desk…it is nice. EXCEPT there is no heat and no internet. I like a book thesaurus, but when you need to look something up…scribbling down notes to look up when you go someplace with net is a pain in the neck. Another odd thing I do when I write…I prefer a notebook (paper one) and a pen or pencil. I can write on a screen, but it is so much more when I scribble on a paper. I often take paper places where a laptop can’t go. Or at least mine!

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  18. Hm, I’ve never really thought about it because I have enough pipe dreams. I suppose one more couldn’t hurt. I would definitely want it to be a small, quiet room filled with bookshelves (so I could soak in those inspiring words) possibly with a window seat that faces a lonely shore. Of course I’d be able to draw the curtains if it became too bright. I’m not a huge fan of midday sunlight 🙂

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  19. My ideal writer’s home is somewhat provincial. I prefer to live alone but want a comfortable guest room with private bath and entry and a wide, circular driveway. My office would have a large screen, wall mounted television/monitor (so I can change my art with my moods). A simple desk with deep tool, file and printer drawers and an adjustable chair with wheels but no arms on hardwood flooring and little else. A free standing house (easy to keep up) in a quiet, wooded area where I can walk freely to clear my head. Lots of natural light (love skylights) but private with comfortable, minimalistic furnishing throughout with an efficient, gourmet kitchen.

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  20. You have a very interesting dreamy writing place. This is definitely a great place of inspiration for horror stories. Sometimes writers need the spook to spook the readers 🙂 I won’t like it there alone. I prefer sharing it with more writers 🙂 Maybe some invisible ones too! 😉

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  21. Ummm haunted fine….horror movie fine….but it would need to be weather proofing…..hope she’s a good practical girl who will ensure your writing place is warm and dry!

    For me I can write almost anywhere but a stateroom on the Queen Elizabeth would be my dream writing spot. Beautiful art deco interior …..taking me to different lands to research locations. Zany characters to people my novel. Bliss!

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  22. An ivy cottage with with full wall bookshelves, a fireplace and huge comfy chairs overlooking a lake in mountain woods will do perfectly for me. Although I love your idea quite well and I’m sure you’ll find a lovely lady who’s going to be happy wherever you are. 🙂
    Also, thank you for dropping by my blog! 🙂

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  23. I haven’t written anything in the horror genre but my inspirations usually come from dark places and times in my life which is always surprising because I am such a happy person. As for my writing place, I like the idea of yours….out of the fog who knows what might appear. A noisy coffee shop works for me most times. The chatter and noise seems to work like white noise for me. Happy New Year and thank you for stopping by and liking my post!

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  24. Definitely not somewhere I’d want to live, but I really love the spooky setting, I’ve always been into spooky things, but I need somewhere ‘safe’ to write. Preferably somewhere where I can listen to some mood setting music and nobody can hear me talking to myself. It may sound strange but my best dialogue between characters comes from talking to myself and I can really get into the right mood by listening to different types of music.

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  25. I knew that you would pick someplace creepy. 😛 I could be your IR but I would rather Skype than being there. HAHA! Although I am a fan of horror movies, Im not exactly ecstatic about your dream writing place. Mine would be a large library similar to that from the 18th century aristocrats have, with a large oak desk for my things, and a comfy leather chair.

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  26. I am too easily distracted to share your want for such a vivid writing area! Put me in a cramped room with a bed and an abundance of pillows. Provide me an outlet nearby, so that I need not move to charge my laptop. There should be a window, but there has to be blinds for it, and the blinds have to weigh some thousand pounds, so that I am not tempted to open them and look outside all day!

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  27. A beautiful stone cottage surrounded by a low stone wall covered in creeping vines framing a yard full of whimsical flowers. The writing room within would be filled with the things that represent the people, experiences and memories I love best because they are the inspiration that make writing meaningful. An amazingly soft comfortable chair I can curl up in is a must, as is a warm, glowing fireplace beside it. Simple, comfortable and meaningful would greet me every time I walked in the door.

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  28. Mine would be on the shores of the Galilee, where my best friend walked in his days among humans as a Son of Man, with the sun sparkling off the water, dancing in glory and praise! Is there any man brave enough to be there with me? I haven’t found one yet.

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  29. I like your dreamy writting place , very creepy…! My dreamy writing place, I wish to be situated somewhere in the forest along side a river, with alot of rocks (I love the sound of water gushing against the rocks). The house should be a simple wooden structured house with a treehouse connected to it (I love height when writing or making art), surrounded by lushes green trees ,flowers ,and plants. I love feeding birds , so the trees that surround the house , should have bird feeders (its a weird story behind it but birds inspire me the most when I write poetry ). The treehouse I shall write in ,it should have on one end a art studio (love the smell of paint) ,on the sides bookshelfs. One side should be filled with dictionarys ,in all languages too and on the other side should be filled with islamic literature ,favorite novels and poetry. The side that I shall write should have this hug window, facing the river and same here allowing ” the cold wind gusts through the window, papers and my hairs.” when I write its a must. Most important thing no network or no form of communication with the world. And yes IR should be my future husband Insha-allah, when it comes to my poetry I don’t allow anyone to touch my books and who would be the best then someone who knows your flaws , your strengths ,your complete bareness, more then a spouse.

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  30. Great description of your writing place. Wonderfully moody and inspiring. Mine is eventually to be in a small shed in my wife’s and my back yard. Once a tool shed, we are slowly beginning the process of transforming it into an outdoorsy writing habitat.

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  31. OMG! That’s really scary. But I guess you can write the best of horror stories in such a setting with some real pictures too maybe. Mine would be a quiet ,serene place overlooking a beautiful countryside with a cup of green tea and some cookies on the side table( I am a food blogger-that could explain)

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